Sierra Nevada College MFA-IA Summer Residency, Sagehen Creek Field Station, Truckee, CA, August 2019. Collaborators: Annie Albagli, Gabbi Ncube, Elena Yu with food by Lucas Casella.
Over the course of two residencies on site at the SNC Holman Center studios, Furtips and Queen WHIZ created 12 concrete troughths to serve a meal from. During the summer residency of the MFA students at the Research Station, we welcomed the SNC cohort with a 3 hour interactive performance and dinner, which included a script written by Alex, Gabbi, and myself, a place-based grounding by Kim Zitzow, pine resin tasting, a movement and sound workshop by Elena Yu, and an incantation/libation by Rachel Burgos and Niki Ford. The evening concluded with Whiz World’s customary collecting of personal tenets.